English in the age of AI / ChatGPT - Level B1/B2 Techniques & tools for effective communication Online-Seminar

Expand your professional communication skills with our specially designed English seminar. In this course, you will learn to improve your language skills, communicate more effectively and better understand cultural nuances. By utilising the innovative Artificial Intelligence technology ChatGPT, we offer you a unique learning experience that combines traditional methods with modern technologies. Optimise your conversational, writing and listening skills in an interactive and supportive learning environment to reach your full potential in a professional context.

  • Initial Conversation Exercises: Activities to improve language skills and facilitate effective communication
  • Conversation Training: Dialogue exercises to enhance speaking skills, supported by ChatGPT to simulate various speaking situations as well as using audio clips
  • Expanding Vocabulary: Writing exercises and building a useful vocabulary for everyday and professional life, supplemented by AI-supported learning programs


  • Account bei ChatGPT (kostenfreie ChatGPT 3.5 Version ausreichend)
  • Microsoft Teams
  • PC/Laptop, gute Internetverbindung, Webcam, Mikrofon, Lautsprecher/Headset

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Status: Kurs ausgefallen

Kursnr.: W550A302D

Beginn: Di., 08.10.2024, 18:00 - 19:30 Uhr

Dauer: 0

Kursort: Homeoffice Seminar

Gebühr: 135,00 €

Zu diesem Kurs sind keine Orte verfügbar.

Für diesen Kurs sind keine Termine vorhanden.


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